Auto Partner

Auto Partner SA was founded in 1993 and is one of the largest importers and distributors of spare parts for cars, vans and motorcycles in Poland. The company offers a specialized sales and logistics platform for just-in-time deliveries of spare parts and workshop software. Over 2000 employees work distributed between a modern logistics and distribution centers in Bieruń and Pruszków and a network of over 120 smaller locations and branches. Auto Partner uses integrated IT tools that manage the entire supply chain and logistics infrastructure.
Such a large network also needs an efficient IT department. Almost 40 employees under IT manager Piotr Bablok take care of networks, support, hardware, programming and administration. 80 percent of the employees work with classic desktop PCs, the rest with Windows laptops.
“Our biggest challenge was and still is taking care of such a mass of end devices in so many different locations,” explains Piotry Bablok. “For a long time, we had to rely purely on SCCM and MS Group Policies to do this. This was not only very time-consuming, but also error-prone. For an organization as large as ours, this was not sustainable in the long run. The final straw was a major campaign that pushed us to our limits. That’s when we knew we couldn’t go on like this.”

Necessary automation
“Distributing software and patches was consuming increasing amounts of our limited time. We urgently needed more automation to handle the daily mountain of routine tasks. baramundi convinced us here, especially with its Automation Studio and Update Management. We have been using the baramundi solution for about half a year now. We are currently still concentrating on implementing applications and scripts. However, it is already apparent that we have significantly improved our efficiency. Distributing software is now much easier and faster. Our response time has also improved noticeably. The more we learn about the system, the greater the time savings become.”
No challenge: migration to Windows 11
“Before the implementation, migrating to Windows 11 would have been a major challenge. This is because our system requires both in-place upgrades of individual computers and network installation via PXE server boot. This would have meant a lot of tedious manual work and countless overtime hours for us. With Unified Endpoint Management from baramundi, this process has lost its horror. With it, we can now prepare the upgrade centrally, deploy it in a targeted manner and record its success.”
We are aware that we are far from having exhausted the full potential of our new tool.
Piotr Bablok, IT manager at Auto Partner
“It is already becoming apparent what a great opportunity baramundi offers us to save time and massively increase our productivity. This is not only reflected in the work of the IT department. The entire company - as well as our customers - benefit from the smooth processes and timely delivery of software that we now enable.”