NIS2 Directive
NIS2, the abbreviation for “Network and Information Systems Directive 2”, is an EU directive aimed at improving cybersecurity. It particularly affects companies and critical infrastructure organizations based in the European Union. The NIS2 Directive builds on the original NIS Directive, but significantly expands the requirements for IT security, risk management, incident response and supply chain security. All EU member states must implement these minimum legal requirements at national level by October 2024.
IT administrators play a crucial role in the implementation of the NIS2 directive in companies. They must ensure that the above requirements are implemented within the company’s IT. However, NIS2 also specifically holds the management level liable.
Above all, the more error-free and uniform the management of end devices is across the board, the less likely it is that punishable NIS2 violations will occur. Unified endpoint management solutions help with transparent inventory, vulnerability management, data and device encryption and update management, for example. One clear advantage is that a UEM solution makes it easier to report on all measures taken.

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